Review Redo Pakistan: White Wall Magazine 2009
"On the other hand a group called Other Asias, had a project curated by Fatima Hussain called ‘Redo Pakistan’ which called for artists, writers, poets and thinkers from around the world to contribute a piece that presents their answers to this question as posited by the curator – What if Pakistan was to be restored, stabilized today by social envisioners? What would a Pakistan, reconstructed in 2009, the year after the unstable rule, look like? What if instead of the super powers renovating the third world nations, one country was left in the hands of social envisioners? How would they fantasize remodelling the land, geographically, politically, intellectually? The show ran in Lahore alongside another show, shut down by political activists. Under these circumstances the ‘visions’ were published as a newspaper and handed out discreetly to both visitors of the gallery space in Lahore as well as to the general public. The dynamics of Lahore is different from that of New York or Chicago or Los Angeles. The former remains to be conjoined with the “immediacy” in how information pertaining to a culture or society or nation, forms and develops. It in turn forms a relationship that is far more deep-seated in terms of a political and societal agenda among the artistic community – the ”culture builders” of Pakistani society."
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