Other Asias: Transnational Contemporary Art Currents
'Should we train our imagination to allow 'Asia' to emerge as a continent?'
(Gayatri Spivak, 2008)
Other Asias is a transnational artists & writers platform that challenges contemporary navigations of "Asia" and the-world-at large via a collaborative curatorial practice. Our organisation activates chains of exhibitions, film screenings, fictions, forums, interventions, performance, plays, walks and talks, historical revisions, reading circles, archives, taxonomies, political vocabularies, zines, public education and transnational circulation towards a post-West cultural horizon.
Other Asias operates as open assemblage of artists, writers and designers - in a fluid space between an art movement, production company and creative think-tank .We seek to cultivate alliances and counter-cartographies, opening up regions, potentialities, new configurations of memory, imagination and investigation. We grew discontented with the ossification of official "cross-cultural" departments, institutionalised post-colonial studies and new internationalism, embodied in the systematic mediocrity of the first Asian Arts Triennial (Manchester 2008). We sought an opposing space to the corporate/ NGO strategies of organisations like Asia House and the current superficial commercial booms of Eastern economies, bureaucratic state-sanctioned "celebrating diversity" initiatives. We were dismayed by the entrenched Eurocentrism of professional "critique" and artschool academia (in Europe and Asia).
Before its formal organisation Other Asias started as a conversation between friends on a bus that evolved in the Central Saint Martins library on Charing Cross road after a screening of Bangladeshi short films in East London. Its context was the plethora of regional survey shows from the dominant Asian economies, the crescendos around "crisis of Multiculturalism" in parliamentary rhethoric, the rise of Asian global power and decline of unipoplar West. Over time we collectively discussed bad "Human rights" arts, the shortcomings of BME public inclusion strategies and the NGOisation of third world subjects. We stole our name from a Gayatri Spivak book.
Other Asias works as a grass roots networking organisation that aims to provide up-coming creatives a platform and portal for multi-poplar orbits of distribution and exchange. Every current is pregnant investigation, configuring a dynamic new team of visiting artists, curators, designers and thinkers from non-artworld disclipines - activating transformations across localities, communities and continents.
Other Asias is based in London (UK), Lahore (Pakistan) and Dhaka (Bangladesh) with a satellite network of links across the Asian continent. We are an independent, not-for-profit arts organisation, mostly run by an open collective of volunteers.
To subscribe to our event updates|newsletter|mailing list - email us with "SUBSCRIBE" in the title:info@oth
Upcoming Events
DIY Cultures 2016: Dayfestival of zines, comics & activism
Supported by Arts Council England & Tower Hamlets council
For all programme updates see www.diycultures.tumblr.com
Twitter: @diyculturesfair #DIY2016
Facebook: /DIYCultures
Recent UK Events
Asia Elects: An Exhibition of performance, film, photography and propaganda design
Thursday 3rd -Sunday 6th October 2013
Curated by Helena Wee and Fuad Ali, with Hamja Ahsan
For a full programme of events CLICK HERE
URL: www.asiaelects.tumblr.com
Twitter: #AsiaElects @OtherAsias
Promotion / Crowdfunding video
Duriana Climate Delegation
The Subcontinent
At the 309th meeting on 10th August 1947, the UN Security Council decided to invite a representative from the Indian National Congress and All India Muslim League to participate with vote in the discussion of the subcontinent. Online News System -
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